Caren led the work on mainstreaming gender in Mongolia’s financial sector. This included a benchmarking study, guidance, tool development and training for Mongolia’s financial institutions.
Enclude’s Gender Benchmarking Tool
With financial support from the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs’ (ANDE) Catalyst Fund, Caren worked with the team at Enclude to conduct a pilot of its Gender Benchmarking Tool with financial institutions. Caren supported the refinement of the tool’s scorecard which assesses performance of a financial institution vis-a-vis the national market potential to serve womenEnclude’s Gender Benchmarking Tool [Read More]
Argidius-ANDE Finance Challenge Evaluation
The Argidius Foundation and the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) launched a competition designed to support innovative ways to provide capital to small businesses in emerging markets that require $20,000-$250,000 in early stage capital. The goal of the challenge was to accelerate the development of innovative and sustainable solutions in a number of emergingArgidius-ANDE Finance Challenge Evaluation [Read More]