This report, The Evolving Landscape of Strategic Business Development Services in Kenya 2016-2023, was commissioned by the Argidius Foundation and produced by Enabling Outcomes with contributions from Growth Africa, the Association of Countrywide Hubs and Asoko Insights who surveyed close to 200 BDS providers in Kenya. The report aims to understand and assess the currentResearch: Business Development Support Services in Kenya [Read More]
Advisory: Accelerating Impact SMEs
With support from Argidius Foundation, Enabling Outcomes worked with the Bancolombia Foundation Team to revamp their acceleration program for SMEs that are committed to driving impact in the rural territories of Colombia. This work leveraged the learning and insights of Argidius’ SCALE framework.
Evaluation: Idea Start
IDEA Start is Planned Parenthood Global’s incubation and acceleration program aimed at organizations and social impact companies that want to strengthen their business models and business plans, to focus on the creation of disruptive and innovative solutions, products and services that impact the health and reproductive rights of millions of people. Enabling Outcomes evaluated theEvaluation: Idea Start [Read More]
Theory of Change: Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
Enabling Outcomes supported the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women in developing a Theory of Change to support its “Ready for Business” organizational strategy 2023-2026.
Evaluation: Enterprise Zambia Challenge Fund
Enabling Outcomes conducted a midterm review of the ENTERPRISE Zambia Challenge Fund (EZCF), commissioned by Self Help Africa. EZCF is part of the European Union (EU) Zambia’s Agri-Business Support Operator (ABSO) programme to support increased participation of smallholder farmers in market-integrated, nutrition-sensitive value chains and improved access to finance, services and inputs as well asEvaluation: Enterprise Zambia Challenge Fund [Read More]